Calvin's Kicks
   The NBA season officially started last night with 3 games, and the first full night of games starts off tonight. Instead of giving a team by team breakdown like everyone else (and due to the fact I am not prepared to do so), I'll give you a little condensed "most-likely-to" list.
   So without further ado, welcome to the most anticipated season in NBA history.

Western Conference

Most likely to sneak up on everyone and win it all: Los Angles Lakers
   Best Player in the World (arguably): Check. Back-to-Back Champions: Check. Coach with the most Championships ever: Check. They aren't surprising anyone, but every major media is focusing on the East this year. With all the publicity going to Amare and the Knicks,  LeBron and his South Beach buddies, and even the stinking Hawks, Kobe is still Kobe.
Team/ Player to make the jump from wow, to WOW: KD and OKC
   In case you were sleeping, the youngest team in the NBA, the Oklahoma City Thunder (That's the SuperSonics, fyi), lead by young pup Kevin Durant took the defending Champion Lakers to a 7 game series in last years playoffs. The home game atmosphere was enough to make you say things frowned upon by your pastor. But when you realize the leader of this team is 22 years old, you start to really look forward to this season. The very anti-LeBron the league needs right now, KD and other youngsters like Russell Westbrook and Jeff Green, along with one of the deepest benches might make adjectives ineffective.

Kinda old news here, but 4 NBA teams have altered some visual aspects of their teams. The Jazz, Cavs, and Magic have slightly changed a few things, while the Golden State Warriors have turned it inside out. Let's start out with the minor changes.
Utah Jazz: As you can see above, the Utah Jazz still have the same nonsensical logo (Utah Jazz?), but instead of changing the whole name, they decided to simply "throwback" the color scheme. The former light and navy blue, is now blue, green, and yellow. Not bad, but I still preferred the former. The real bright spot is the secondary logo, the musical note. It's nothing new, but it's good to see it back in use.

Orlando Magic: Nothing major at all here. In fact, I find it a little stupid. A few years back, the Magic changed from their Penny Hardaway/ Shaq/ Tracy McGrady jerseys, to the current pinstriped jerseys you see now. The logotype on the front of the jersey changed, but the logo stayed the same. Now they seem to realize that things don't match up, and have straightened things out. The magical basketball meteor thing is still in place, so good move, but a few years late Orlando.

Cleveland Cavaliers: So you may not see anything different with this "improved" logo. But a simple google search will show that "a deeper wine and brighter gold" are featured. Indeed the gold is definitely prominent. And guess what? I actually like it! It simply looks better, it pops more, and just seems to fit better. This is actually a minor change that is well done.

Golden State Warriors: Finally, the overhaul of the group. No more of the creepy generic "Flash" character. Nope, they are going back to the widely popular "The City" colors, with a new set of logos. There is no trolly car, but the bay bridge is featured, and the players number will be inside the logo, like the old uniforms. Stephen Curry won't have to be embarrassed any more, the Warriors are respectable again, even if it's just from a aesthetic perspective.

     After the two games in the Orlando Boston series, I figured two things would have to happen in order for the Magic to come back.

1.) The three's start falling again
2.) The Celtics fall apart/ get old

     Surprisingly, it seems like it is coming true before our very eyes. For one, the Magic are actually playing the same way that allowed them to breeze through Charlotte and Atlanta. Through the first 3 games Orlando made a mere 20 of 70 from deep. This, of course, includes Rashard Lewis' 1 of 13 performance. The new team, on display in games 4 and  5 have improved to 17-44, and a 3-6 from a now dangerous Lewis. Their 3 point shooting has improved from 29% to 39%.
     So maybe the Celtics didn't get old. The likely ones, KG, Pierce, and Allen, are still healthy. However the unlikely trio of Glen Davis, Rajon Rondo, and Marquis Daniels are all shaken up. And yes, Daniels health is really insignificant to the success of the team, but Rasheed Wallace, who suffered back spasms, is. The Celtics seem to be falling apart before our eyes. The Magic, with the help of a few strange calls, are making this a series just a few days removed from the world declaring Boston the Eastern Conference Champions. It's like deja vu again, the Celtics have a 3-2 series lead in Boston. This is their game 7.

     I feel you Cleveland. I know what it is like now to feel the cold harsh defeat from the hands of the Boston Celtics. No, the Orlando Magic are not losing any key players, but in a way, these 3 losses have been worse. Sure, the Cavs gave up during the final minute in game 6, but we have given up much sooner.
     The 26 points that separated the Magic from the Celtics at the end of Game 3 might as well been 50, or 100. The loss was so bad, Sheldon Williams and Nate Robinson got playing time. The Magic, like last year, made Glen Davis look like Shaq! It was so bad, I considered not watching the second half. ME! The one who thinks the impossible is always in reach, and no lead is big enough. This team, that could always come back thanks to their long distance shooting, was done in my mind.
     That was the problem, the lead wasn't just on the scoreboard. The Rondo rundown/steal/layup off of Jason Williams epitomized the whole game. The Magic don't care, while the Celtics want it all. And as a fan, it is simply frustrating. When a team that lived off of 3 pointers is suddenly afraid to jack up shots, and instead pump fakes and turns the ball over time and time again, and I'm stuck unable to do anything, it kinda gets annoying.
     Yeah, you could blame it on the fact that the Celtics could just be that good. But no, not when a Cavs team can win in Boston by 30. The Magic are not the Bobcats, they do posses the talent and skill to beat any team in this league. But the determination and desire to win simply isn't there any more. It doesn't help that the team blowing them out might lead the league in hustle/emotion.
     I honestly don't know where to go now. Do I want to put myself through with one more game like this? I'm not sure. It's sad when you are facing the Celtics, and the though of them playing the surging Lakers makes you excited. Good job Orlando, thanks for making the Finals look so promising. At least you did us one favor.

The yapping between Glen Davis and Marcin Gortat was not only very amusing to me, but also to Vince Carter, who was seen chuckling on the bench.

I guess Rondo had enough of being the lone Celtic with white shoes, exchanging them for a pair of black Nikes during the second quarter. But he came back with the white in the fourth.

So the refs are all-powerful? They can throw out any person in the arena? What kind of communist league am I watching? VIDEO

Just me, or is JJ Reddick becoming a very solid NBA player?

Big Baby had the sweet swan flop halfway in the third.

Some ridiculous calls being made by these refs. They just called a foul on the hot dog vendor for an illegal screen, and Stuff the Magic Dragon for a reach.

Rondo slipped in the first half, then again in the fourth. First one= no call. Second= traveling. Sums up the officiating.

Dear Vince, Hedo would have made at least one free throw...